Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette WITOPET economy, 50-300
Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette WITOPET economy, 50-300
Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette WITOPET economy, 50-300
    Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette...
    Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette...
    Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette...

    Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette WITOPET economy, 50-300

    Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette WITOPET economy, 50-300 µl 8 channels, division: 1 µl, accuracy at 300 µl: ±1.6 µl, deviation: ±0.6 µl - quality pipette, most economical price in its class - ideal for entry-level - simple and robust construction - accuracy and precision according to DIN EN ISO 8655 - set volume almost impossible to change during pipetting - suitable for all established brands of pipette tips - easy release of the used tips - easy cleaning and maintenance - pipetting unit autoclavable at 121°C - individual certificate and serial number DE-M marked according to the German calibration law

    Multi-Channel Microliter-pipette WITOPET economy, 50-300 µl 8 channels, division: 1 µl, accuracy at 300 µl: ±1.6 µl, deviation: ±0.6 µl - quality pipette, most economical price in its class - ideal for entry-level - simple and robust construction - accuracy and precision according to DIN EN ISO 8655 - set volume almost impossible to change during pipetting - suitable for all established brands of pipette tips - easy release of the used tips - easy cleaning and maintenance - pipetting unit autoclavable at 121°C - individual certificate and serial number DE-M marked according to the German calibration law
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