Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium, 20.0-300 µl
Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium, 20.0-300 µl
Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium, 20.0-300 µl
    Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium,...
    Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium,...
    Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium,...

    Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium, 20.0-300 µl

    Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium, 20.0-300 µl, division: 1.0 µl, accuracy at 300 µl: ± 3.3 µl, random error: max. 1.1 µl, 8 channels - highest quality, made in France - extremely light weightiness, while the robustness still remains - ergonomic design for highest comfort - highest accuracy and precision - practical volume locking - innovative tip ejector button, adjustable for right- and left-handed users - conformity certification - DE-M branded according to the German calibration law - Guarantee: 36 months

    Microliter-Pipette WITOPET premium, 20.0-300 µl, division: 1.0 µl, accuracy at 300 µl: ± 3.3 µl, random error: max. 1.1 µl, 8 channels - highest quality, made in France - extremely light weightiness, while the robustness still remains - ergonomic design for highest comfort - highest accuracy and precision - practical volume locking - innovative tip ejector button, adjustable for right- and left-handed users - conformity certification - DE-M branded according to the German calibration law - Guarantee: 36 months
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